Fatih Akin made a powerful film about German-Turkish identity called Head On in 2004. He used and hew used Einstürzende Neubauten bass player Alexander Hacke to do the music for the film. In Germany it was mostly punk rock, but when the film moved to Istanbul-the music was Turkish and Hacke became drawn to the music of the city of Istanbul. In 2005 Hacke returned to the city to capture some of the music he found there on his initial trip and Akin has captured the process and the beauty of the city in his documentary Crossing The Bridge: The Sound Of Istanbul. I wish I had seen this documentary before my visit to Istanbul in 2015-ironically I re-watched Head On-had i seen it, no doubt I would have sought out some of live music that is abundant in the city. It is an inspiring and entertaining look at the exotic sounds of Istanbul. it is a place dear to my heart because of the exoticism and the fact that it straddles the east and west.
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