In the 44th installment of the Tora-san series, Tora-san Confesses (1991), finds Tora (Kiyoshi Atsumi) once again helping out his nephew Mitsuo (Hidetaka Yosioka) with his girlfriend Izumi (Kumiko Goto). First Izumi comes to Tokyo to look for a job and then returns home and fights with her mother over her new beau. Izumi then travels to Tottori and send Mitsuo an ambiguous postcard and races off to her. Meanwhile Tora has run into her by chance and then they end up eating then staying at an old flame of Tora's-Seiko (Hideko Yoshida). It seems that Seiko's husband has died and she's available, but as usual this causes Tora to run away from the situation. Meanwhile, Izumi goes back to home in Nagoya and makes up with her mother.
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