Zardoz (1974) is a cheesy sci-fi film from John Boorman. It stars Sean Connery as Zar-as A Brutal and a barbaric killer. There is another group of people called Immortals who suffer from being over-civilized. The god 'Zardoz' is taken from The Wizard of Oz. Zed is on a quest but doesn't realize that he is being manipulated. He is the Chosen One introduced into the Vortex for only one purpose, to destroy it. The Immortals can't kill themselves. They need an outsider, and his fellow Exterminators, to destroy them. In the process, Zed will escape with Consuella (Charlotte Rampling), who initially opposed Zed, and start a new human community. The complex is actually more complex than this bu these are the highlights-some real 70s cheesiness in costuming and set design-an unlikely Boorman film in my opinion.
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