Akio Jissosoji's third installment in the Buddhist Trilogy, Poem (1972), continues with some of the themes from the previous films while introducing some new ones. There's plenty of nudity, sex, but also close ups of everyday living such as eating, drinking, and cleaning of an old Japanese style house. The film is about a houseboy, Jun (Saboro Shinoda) with a passion for calligraphy who is entangled into the schemes of two brothers. It has much of the same production crew as the two previous films: the screen play by Toshiro Ishido, music from Toru Fuyuki and the excellent cinematography was from Masao Nakabori who was part of the team that filmed This Transient Life. he Arrow extras include: High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentations of This Transient Life, Mandara and Poem, Original uncompressed LPCM mono 1.0 audio on all three films, newly translated optional English subtitles, introductions to all three films by David Desser, author of Eros Plus Massacre: An Introduction to the Japanese New Wave, Scene-select commentaries on all three films by Desser, Theatrical trailer for Mandara, Theatrical trailer for Poem, limited edition packaging, fully illustrated by maarko phntm and an illustrated 80-page perfect-bound collector s book featuring new writings on the film by Anton Bitel and Tom Mes.
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