I had high expectations for Neflix's Japanese produced TV series The Naked Director, which unfortunately were not met. Much like the earlier Netflix produced Hibana-there was some promise and the series was semi-succssful in that some aspects of the production were satisfying. It managed to capture the cultural zeitgeist of the 80s but much of the acting and action was over the top-as per Japanese TV. I'm not sure what I think of the star Takayuki Yamada as Toru Muranashi-a real life porn director. Many of the supporting characters were defined by one characteristic and were largely over the top in their performances. Misato Morita was more successful as Kaoru Kuoiki-also base d on a real-life porn star. The early episodes that took place in Hokkaido were among the best. The Hawaii episodes were too fantastical and unrealistic as most of the episodes at the end.
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