I recently learned that Japanese novelist Fumiko Hayashi has a Memorial Hall nearby in Nakai station in Shinjuku ward. Hayashi is an author I haven't read yet. However, I am familiar with her because several of her books and stories have been adapted by Miko Naruse, one of the greatest Japanese directors, including: 1936: Inazuma (Lightning), 1948: "Bangiku" ("Late Chrysanthemum") one of the sources for the film of the same name, 1950: Chairo no me – novel; source for Naruse's 1953 film Wife (Tsuma), 1951: Ukigumo (Floating Clouds) – novel; source for Naruse's 1955 film, and 1951: Meshi (Repast) – novel; source for Naruse's 1951 film. Floating Clouds in particular is probably the novel I will read when I get around to it since it is my favorite Naruse film and I wrote an academic paper about it several years ago.
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