1969 saw a second edition of the Tora-san series directed by Yoji Yamada with Tora-San's Cherished Mother starring the irascible Kiyoshi Atsumi in the lead role. The main stories in this film concern Tora-san bumping into his old English teacher his daughter Natsuko (Orie Sato) whom He quickly falls for. The main plot concerns news that his mother Okiko (Chochi Miyako) is alive and not dead as previously thought and running a hotel in Kyoto. Of course the lovable lout has a number of disruptive episodes from having to be admitted to a hospital and getting arrested for over indulgences. The hospital incident leads to a romance between the young doctor and Natsuko, as Tora-san loses in love once again. The on location scenes in the shitamachi (downtown) areas of Tokyo show how the city looked in the late 60s.
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