A new Coen Brothers film is always a treat for a super fan like myself, they've had a few missteps (The Ladykillers and Burn After Reading come to mind), but generally they have done little wrong in my book. Furthermore, I liked both most recent films: Inside Llweyn Davis and Hail Cesar! So their new anthology western The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs (2018) was highly anticipated. However, it is a somewhat hard to pin down film, since the tone of the different episodes differ from each throughout. I suppose the harshness of the west is the one common factor, some of the episodes are farcical while others are more tragic in their execution of a story line. First of all, it looks great-the usual top notch cinematography this time is by Bruno Delbonnel who was behind the camera on Inside Llweyn Davis. There is also a great ensemble cast with Tim Blake Nelson, James Franco, Liam Neeson, Tom Waits, Brendan Gleeson, and many more. There are several clever and entertaining set pieces throughout the film, in fact, I would be hard pressed to identify my favorite sequence let alone my favorite episode. I suppose it begs for a re-watch, high praise for any film these days-given all the entertainment options available these days.
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