It has been interesting to go back see Yoshishige (Kiju) Yoshida's early film since I started out watching his more mature mid career films like Eros + Massacre and Heroic Purgatory. His first film, Good For Nothing (1960) clearly owes something to Crazed Fruit-it is another film about rich disaffected youth creating drama out of boredom. There's a gang of youths led by a the son of a rich businessman that pulls a prank on his father's secretary who take as a shine to one of the youths and tries to talk him out of hanging out with those bad influences. Like Crazed Fruit there is a a summer sequence that is shot on location in Hayama and in Kanagawa. It is ultimately a tragic story that shows the promise of one of tJapan's leading New Wave directors who would go on to make more serious films in the following decade.
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