I originally saw the film version, Kill the Messenger (2012), on a plane before I read the original source material, Dark Alliance (2011) by Gary Webb-the film made me want to know more about the true story. The book is essentially two stories-the first is the reporting that led Webb to make connections between Nicaraguan drug smugglers who were aided and abetted by the CIA to unloads massive amounts of cocaine in the Los Angles in order to support the anti-communist Contras in the Nicaraguan civil war. The second story is about how the CIA tried to discredit him and refute the revelations he made in order to avoid looking bad-and it was very bad-causing a generation of destruction among poor, mostly black communities in order to destroy another country due to the administration's dislike of freely elected communist countries. Oliver North was the fall guy, but it was clear high ranking Reagan officials and most likely Reagan, himself, were aware of what was going on and supported the ludicrous idea. It's not forgotten, bu those who were at fault never paid the price they should have for that fiasco-it's pretty upsetting, but there was Clinton and that damned semen stained dress to deal with.
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