Yasujiro Ozu's The Lady And The Beard (1931) is something of a conventional comedy. The main character Okajima (Tokihiko Okada) is a bit of an eccentric. He is a traditionalist who has grown a beard and is a successful kendo practitioner. At the start of the film we see his success at a college kendo tournament where he becomes friends with a young Baron. His post college life starts slowly as no one will hire him because of his beard. In a chance meeting with a young typist whom he has helped avoid a grift-he is advised to shave his beard and immediately his fortunes change-he gets a job and several women become interested in him as a marriage partner. Perhaps, Ozu's inspiration for this film can be found in the Laurel and Hardy poster in Okamoto's room. This is minor Ozu, but it shows the craftsmanship that he applied to all of his films and the 1930s Tokyo locations shots are always fascinating to see.
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