I have been impressed with Yasujiro Ozu's maturity in the 30s that is reflected in his impressive direction in the Eclipse Series 10: Silent Ozu: Three Family Comedies. This is true of Passing Fancy (1933) in particular. Here, Ozu explores the life of bemused day laborer Kihachi (Takeshi Sakamoto) and his cheeky son Tomio (Tokkan Kozo who also starred in I Was Born But...). Kihachi considers a late marriage and then becomes invovlked in brokering the marriage of his workmate and struggles with his son's sickness and almost leaves him behind to go to Hokkaido to earn the funds to pay back a friend for his son's medical expenses. Family stories would become Ozu's bread and butter in his better known late career masterpieces such as Tokyo Story and Late Spring. Already in the 30s he is using the cutaway still shots, ellipsis in story telling and the tatami level camera for conversations on the tatami. It fascinating to see the director's development from the silent dramas to the late masterpieces that he is famous for.
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