I picked up Singapore Noir (2014) edited by Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan as background reading for a recent trip to Singapore. I feel that it did provide atmosphere and context of the place in that each story was subtitled with the location within the island country where the story took place. Most of the authors, save for Lawrence Osborne, were new to me. That being said, I enjoyed most of the stories. The stories are arranged into four sections: "Part I: SIRENS", "Part II: Love (or Something Like It)", "Part III: Gods & Demons", "Part IV: The Haves & the Have Nots." It seemed as if the stories at the beginning and end of the collection stayed with me the most. But I can't really remember any of the stories being completely disappointing nor standing out too much from the others. As someone who has live din Japan for a long time I found the fact that Osborne names the son in the story-Tomiko jarring since I have never met a male Tomiko. Otherwise the story is fine, and I enjoyed his memoir Bangkok Days. Anyway, I was unaware that there were so many different volumes in this series, so I expect to be reading more of them as background for future excursions.
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