Love For An Idiot (1967) is director Yasuzo Masumura's modern adaptation of Junichiro Tanizaki's novel Namoi, about a young mogaru (modern girl) who makes a fool out of a middle aged man. The more films I see by Masumura the more I am impressed with his cinematic style. Sexual obsession seems to be something of a common theme in many of Masumura's films such as Blind Beast, Manji (another Tanizaki adaptation of the novle Quicksand)i and Red Angel. The mogaru , Naomi (Michiyo Ohkusu) is transformed into a swinging 60s girl looking to have her cake and eat it, too. While the obsessive Joji (Shoichi Ozawa) is left to pay for her lifestyle and welcome her back even when she has cuckolded him with younger guys. He employs the usual impressive framing in the film, but also uses still photos to reflect the obsessiveness of Joji's fascination with Naomi's body and youth.
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