Craig Atkinson's documentary Do Not Resist (2016) is troubling and effective. Atkinson has compiled footage about the militarization of the police that was most prominent in the Ferguson riots when they were routinely shooting tear gas at civilians to get the to reimburse-something that was criticized by police chiefs late in an oversight meeting. Other effect scenes showed debates about how a small community in Wisconsin with ONE active policeman was issued TWO military vehicles. Another shows a town council meeting in a small New Hampshire town that has had two murders in 16 years debating whether or not they should accept the Homeland Security grant for military vehicles. Yet another is a ride along for a drug warrant operation that uses excessive force to get into a home that nets some loose marijuana. As I said troubling and informative-I cannot imagine the madness will stop as the used military vehicles from the wars continue to roll in and the precedent has been set during the post 9-11 fear mongering days.
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