I was compelled to see the documentary Weiner (2016) directed by Josh Kreigman and Elyse Steinberg, after the subject, former US senator Anthony Weiner, was caught a third (the first cost him his senate seat, the second stopped him from becoming mayor of NY, time sexting pictures of himself to women, which resulted in his accomplished (Hillary Clinton's top aide) and beautiful wife, Huma Abedin filing for divorce. I found this documentary fascinating for several reasons: 1) I felt it showed Weiner in a good light-I didn't know what a liberal crusader he was in the senate and what a formidable politician he can be 2) the the failings of a human who cannot learn from his mistakes (caught multiple times sexting!) 3) I wasn't aware of his beautiful and accomplished wife 4) I couldn't believe he saw out the election to the bitter end-he finished fifth out of five democratic candidates for NY mayor and got less than 5% of the vote. Weiner himself suggests there must be something about himself that craves people's attention or he wouldn't have become a politician, and his poor suffering wife and child are thrust into the limelight with him despite their obvious desire to be separate from the scandal. In addition, there's a fascinating confrontation caught on tape when Weiner has an argument with a Jewish man who calls him out for having married an Arab instead of just walking away-showing the essence of who Weiner is-a fighter who can't let others get the last word. An admirable trait in a politician, but not so good in the light of a scandal I think. I have read in an article that it is common for men who makes less money than women to assert their masculinity by chasing women-and by the third time-Weiner has become a powerless stay-at-home Dad, so it is not so surprising despite the fact that it is the third time! The directors inter-cut interviews, comics and talk show hosts commenting on his foibles-the most entertaining might be the NY Post headlines about the scandals.
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