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September 05, 2016



As a Theroux fan, I enjoyed this as well. It's not my favorite work of his, but it was good to read his take on somewhere in the U.S. He did a few interviews on the radio around the time of this publication; here's one I recommend: http://radioopensource.org/paul-theroux-in-zimbabwe-usa/

I missed a Theroux book signing in 2013 (to promote The Last Train to Zona Verde) because of a job interview: this still kind of haunts me as the opportunity to meet him has never come up again, and he's one of my favorite authors.


Agreed, it's not my favorite by him either. But I really connect with his approach to travel writing and tastes in literature. Most of his travel books are excellent. I find his fiction more uneven, but occasionally impressive. I suppose I am more of an epicurean when traveling than he is though. There are still several of his travel books that I haven't gotten around to reading yet.


Yes, I've never really been interested in his fiction, but it seems that people who like his travel writing don't really take to his fiction. I feel like I've read him write about his lack of interest in food/drink when traveling, so he's explained that somewhere. Unfortunately, I think I've read all of his travel books (I wish there were more!). My favorites are The Great Railway Bazaar, Dark Star Safari, Riding the Iron Rooster, and the Happy Isles of Oceania. The one non-fiction work of his I have never read is Sir Vidia's Shadow, about his relationship with V.S. Naipaul. I just finished William Dalrymple's In Xanadu the other day, and would recommend that if you like travel writing.


I haven't read The Happy Isles of Oceania, The Pillars of Hercules, and The Kingdom by the Sea mainly because I haven't visited many of the countries in those areas, but I expect I'll get around to them eventually. Morocco is particular is on my short list of places to visit. But I think I'll probably read The Happy Isles next.

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