Samurai Vendetta (1959) is a star vehicle for Raizo Ichikawa and Shintaro Katsu directed by Zatoichi stalwart Kazuo Mori. It is a complex story of revenge with some historical antecedents. In fact, one plot point hinges on the illegal kiling of a feral dog-killing any animal in this period was considered taboo and came with the penalty of death. Essentially Tenzo Tange (ichikawa) and Yasubei Nakayama (Katsu) become allies through mutual respect and by helping each other out and seek revenge against Tange's former sword school members who try to exact their own revenge when embarrassed by Tange in a fight. Of course there is a love interest in the mix with Maki Chitose as Chiharu, Tange's wife and the object of Nakayama's affection as well. Does this film have the first filmed duel fought in the snow? Several films havd used this trope since 1959 (most recently Taranitino in Kill Bill!).
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