Claire Denis is one of my favorite contemporary film makers, I think it has something to do with the overall atmosphere or "mood" that she creates in her films. Her latest film, Bastards (2013) has that atmosphere, which is a collaboration between editing, Cinematography, and music-it is an essential aspect of her films and she always uses the Australian band The Tindersticks to score her films and in this film in particular I though the music was really appropriate. This film is somewhat hard to follow as Denis used ellipses to avoid telling details and keeps information from the viewers-which is something that I find refreshing as traditional films treat the viewers as idiots inmost mainstream productions. There are several actors who starred in previous productions in this films. I wan to avoid saying too much about the plot for fear of giving it away, but I enjoyed the film and want to reiterate that Denis is one of my favorite contemporary film makers. I wish she had the backing to make more films than she has.
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