The Bride Wore Black (1968) was directed by Francios Truffant a year after his extensive interviews with Alfred Hitchcock that would become a book and serve as inspiration for this film. Additionally, it was one of Renata Aldler's top 10 films released in 1968 (mentioned in her book In The Dark). It is essentially a homage to the mystery thrillers of Hitchock, although this film doesn't necessarily succeed on those terms, but Truffant is a consummate artist and his own version of the thriller has its strengths. The insurmountable Jeanne Moreau plays a woman set on getting revenge on the five men responsible for the murder of her husband on their wedding day. Moreau is filmed wearing black and white throughout the film in spite of the fact that the film was filmed in color and one of the outstanding aspects of the film is the cinematography from frequent collaborator Raol Coutard.
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