Zatoichi In Desperation (1972) is directed by the star of the series, Shintaro Katsu himself, and it seems to reflect the times. It has a funky 70s score and Katsu is indulgent in using a psychedelic medley of images when he flashes back to the death of an old woman on a bridge that Zatoichi feels guilty about since it is partly due to his actions. He promises to bring her shamisen to her daughter, Nishikigi (Kiwako Taichi) working at a brothel in a town nearby. Katsu does an admirable job aside from a few showy camera angle throughout. The story stands out in cruelty: a young boy is beaten to death for throwing stones at yakuza who have burned fisherman's boats in an action that is the equivalent of barn burning in the late 1800s American west. In earlier episodes Zaotichi has suggested that he has slept with women of the night, but in this film he has his first erotic encounter with Nishikigi that leads to his capture. Zaotichi is forced to give up his sword and his hands are impaled so that he is forced incredulously to used his arms with a sword tied to them to cut down his opponents. The villainous yakuza boos is played by Katsuo Nakamura known for his role in Shinoda's tales of the supernatural Kwaidan.
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