Kitakyushu, a city in northern Kyushu, was formed in 1963 with the the merger of five municipalities (Moji, Kokura, Tobata, Yahata and Wakamatsu) centered around the ancient city of Kokura. I was visiting for a conference and stayed in Kokura, which has the dubious distinction of being the original target for "Fat Man," the second atomic bomb dropped in WWII. But it was bypassed because of excessive smoke from fires in Yahata.
The Tokiwa wooden bridge still in operation in Kokura.
The opposite direction from Katsuyama bridge.
This is a garden memorail to Mori Ogai, a famous writer whose stories inspired film maker slike Kenji Mizoguchi with Sansho the Baliff.
Mori Ogai's monument.
Hydrangea in the garden.
Riverwalk Kitaskyushu like the one in Fukuoka was designed by American architect Jon Jerde.
Moji-ku is a historical part of Kitakyushu. Here is the Old Mitsui Club.
Old Mistui O.S.K. Line Building.
Old Moji Customs Building in front of Moji Retro Observation Building.
The Kanmon Bridge to Honshu.
Kitakyushu Commemorative Library of International Friendship.
Yaki(baked) curry, a local specialty.
In front of Kokura station.
Seinan Jo Gakuin, the location of the conference.
The view from the Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art.
The museum was designed by acclaimed Japanese architect Arata Isozaki.