This futuristic political fable, Snowpiercer (2014), was directed by the Korean director of the similarly themed monster film The Host, Joon-ho Bong. It was a fascinating dystopian film and political fable in which the only survivors of civilization are aboard a high-speed, self-sustaining train that circles the globe on a loop over the course. The train compartments are divided according to social class with the 1% getting most of the cars and the front cars while the huddled masses live in discomfort and filth in the last cars. A revolt is underway as the film begins where those in the back instigate a plan to try to take control of the engine that is both suspenseful and engaging. I thought it was clever how the director integrated some Korean actors into the story and allowed them to communicate via translating devices. There are some astonishing action sequences through out the film as well. Overall, it is a powerful and though-provoking film in a genre that I usually am not interested in.
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