Scoop (1941) is another classic satire by Evelyn Waugh that sends up newspapermen, especially foreign correspondent during the pre-war years in Africa. it is based partly on Waugh's own experiences as a correspondent in Abyssinia, which is now Ethiopia. It seems Waugh was posted there because he had traveled there and and had read a half dozen or so books on the country-making him an expert despite his unfamiliarity with journalism in general. It is another case of mistaken identities, dreadful conditions, an innocent abroad, clueless leaders, and ignorant incompetents trying to cover a cou'd etat in Africa. In the published version I read there were letters from Waugh to various people that suggested many aspects of the novel were born from true life experiences that Waugh had as a correspondent. Perhaps more about being a foreign correspondent than working on Fleet Street, but they get a bollocking as well. It is typically entertaining Waugh.
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