The Face Of Another (1966) is the third film collaboration between director Hiroshi Teshigahara, screen play writer Kobo Abe, and composer Toru Takemitsu. Several of the themes that were first introduced in Pitfall and elaborated upon in The Woman In The Dunes. In particular is the obsession with identity that is the main theme in The Face Of Another. It seems this film was considered a critical failure after his sublime The Woman In The Dunes. Critic James Quant, who has video essay supplements for all three films in the Criterion series, is trying to champion and restore the reputation of Pitfall and The Face Of Another. There are some great surrealistic effects and art direction in the film, as well as interestingly framed shots from Teshigahara.
One final note on the extras in this series besides the excellent Quant video essays: a new documentary about the working relationship between Teshigahara and Abe, including interviews with Japanese film scholars Donald Richie and Tadao Sato, four short films by Teshigahara: Hokusai (1953), Ikebana (1956), Tokyo 1958 (1958), and Ako (1965), a booklet featuring an essay by Peter Grilli, Howard Hampton, Audie Bock, and James Quandt, as well as a Max Tessier interview with Teshigahara, and theatrical trailers.