The Most Beautiful (1944) is Akira Kurosawa's second film and a documentary like propaganda film at that. It is included in the Criterion Eclipse Series 23: The First Films of Akira Kurosawa (Sanshiro Sugata / The Most Beautiful / Sanshiro Sugata, Part Two / The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail). Already Kurosawa is employing techniques he would master in his classic masterpieces years later. He uses techniques like cutting action forward to be more efficient with story telling. He also uses short cuts for flashback sequences that suggest the past rather than relive it. The story is basic. It is about a precision lens factory that is staffed by women who make great sacrifices to keep up with production for the war effort. Many consider it one of Kurosawa's minor works, but already his genius is showing. It is also of note that after the film he married one of the actresses from the film,Yoko Yaguchi.
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