I recently watched Funny Face (1957) with the idea of using it for a comparison contrast discussion with The Devil Wears Prada, which is the film I'll be teaching for this year's Summer Intensive English Seminar at Meiji. I read an article by the translator for the accompanying book with translation that mentioned it as a source of inspiration for The Devil Wears Prada. There are several similarities in theme and the characters of Jo (Audrey Hepburn) / Andy (Anne Hathaway) and Maggie (Kay Thompson) / Miranda (Meryl Streep).I think it would also be a good opportunity to discuss "the ugly duckling"-make over trope that has been done in so many films and is a min part of both films. Funny Face is essentially a musical comedy. And I can' t say I'm that much of a musical fan, however, I am a fan of Audrey Hepburn, who is immensely popular in Japan. It is also known as a kind of classic film since it was well-loved and apparently Hepburn's fashion was inspiring to many women who saw the film.
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