The final installment of Yukio Mishima’s Sea of Fertility teratology is Decay Of The Angel . There is a curious end to the story that refutes most of what has come before. This novel concerns the adoption of Toru by Honda, who believes Toru is the third incarnation of Kioyaki. There are some curious developments as Toru develops a cruel streak for no apparent reason than the fact he is something of a nihilist. Honda falls into his voyeuristic ways and faces a public scandal that allows Toru to gain control of his estate, but it is reversed when Keiko intervenes and tells Toru about Kioyaki. I guess the themes of the cruelty of aging and the themes of nothingness say a lot about the author who committed suicide shortly after finishing this final volume. I find it thought provoking in the context of Mishima’s extraordinary life. My first impression is that it might be the least engaging of the three novels, but in concert it is a grand achievement.
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