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May 19, 2010



This is a book I find myself dipping into time and again. I still insist you see Naruse. Floating Couds is brilliant. His films are quiet like those of Ozu, yet darker. Mizoguchi's films have great themes (or theme, a woman victimized by men), yet he can overdramatic, as Kurosawa is at his worst.


Ted nice to hear from you. I hope all is well with you.

Yes, I was a little lazy on this review, I made some notes on Mizoguchi and Naruse that didn't make the review:

I was intrigued by Bock's description of Mizoguchi's love-hate relationship with women in the sense that he found them terrifying-he is not alone. It seems that according to Bock, Naruse also focused on fatalistic women and economic hardship of the family in many of his films. I have a lot to watch and learn.

I didn't know you were so well-versed in Japanese cinema as well.


I love Japanese films, although they're making me badly long for Japan, as I'm now back in NM.

There is a story about Mizoguchi and Tanaka Kiniyo, who starred in a majority of his films. When learning that she wanted to direct her own project, he tried to block it, as a way to keep her close to him. Yet, quite expectedly, the opposite occurred, and she never spoke to him again. Many consider her to be the love of his life.


Hey Patrick,

While cleaning up my blog, I came across this post.


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