Eros is an uneven film with three segments by three acclaimed directors: Michelangelo Antonioni (“The Dangerous Thread of Something”), Seven Soderbergh (“Equilibrium”), and Wong Kar Wai (“The Hand”). Antonioni’s film is by far the worst-it plays like a bad soft porn film and it’s not very interesting. Soderbergh’s segment didn’t impress me either-I’m not sure where he was going with it by introducing comedy into the theme of Eros. It seems as like a wasted opportunity with the likes of Alan Arkin and Robert Downey Jr.-two actors I admire greatly. The final segment may be Wong Kar Wai’s last great film-I was underwhelmed by his last two films 2046 or My Blueberry Nights-here’s to hoping for a big comeback on his next film. The gorgeous Gong Li and Chen Chang play out a story of lust, desire, disappointment, and ultimately fulfillment. The film is worth seeing for the Wong Kar Wai segment-but overall a disappointment and wasted opportunity.
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Gong Li is nice - saw her first in Raise the Red Lantern.
Posted by: Edward | March 12, 2009 at 11:24 AM
I'm in agreement there-a beautiful woman.
Posted by: MC | March 12, 2009 at 12:09 PM