I have to say that I was really impressed by the first two Charles Portis books I read, Dog of the South and Norwood, so I recently ordered the rest of his back catalogue. Master of Atlantis is the first of those books I’ve read. I have to admit this one was a little more difficult to get into at the start with all the talk of occults, conspiracy societies, and secret societies, which are things that I have little interest in. In some ways, Portis is the master of creating portraits of American eccentrics in their full form unlike any other writer that comes to mind. Moreover, Portis knows these types well and does an excellent send up and once you get going with Portis it is always a wild ride. I particularly liked his parody of a senate hearing-funny stuff. It is not as funny as Dog of the South, but well worth the time spent reading-all in all it is very entertaining.
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