Persepolis is an animated film based on autobiographical graphic novels of Marjane Satrapi. It describes her childhood in Iran and subsequent education in Vienna, return to Iran, marriage and divorce, and finally her resettlement in Paris in the present. It is a compelling story that personalizes the upheavals that have taken place in the Middle East in the last 30 years. It also highlights the problems of adapting to other cultures and the reverse culture shock of returning to your own home country. The animation style is a deceptively simple black and white, but it is very fluid and the energy of the story inhabits the animation. There are several humorous moments mixed in the with the moving dramatic moments throughout. I think Ratatouille looked beautiful and was a charming entertainment, but it doesn’t compare to this powerful look at politics, gender, religion, and personal autonomy. This was the best animated film of 2007 and probably would have made my Top 10 in retrospect.
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