Michael Ondaatje’s memoir Running In The Family is an unusual book. It isn’t a classic narrative; there are little episodes about his family, reports of his return to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the 70s, poems, and other anomalies. This book first came to my attention through Nick Hornby’s inspiring column in The Believer magazine called What I’m Reading. It’s really a quirky little book, but entertaining, heartfelt, and informative. He had a very colorful family. His father was an alcoholic who used to get drunk and take control of the trains and run it back forth at his whim. The adults of his parents’ generation drank, danced, loved, gambled and flirted compulsively. In fact he credits a family member for starting the betting craze of wagering when a crow would fly off a fence. His description of the heat, jungle, and all the creatures in it makes Ceylon come alive. He also describes the relationship of Ceylon with the former colonists and the rest of the world. It is a fascinating little memoir.
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