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February 15, 2007



I thought both documentaries were outstanding--I agree with you. Also, you mention the "Up" series. Did you find 49up a bit of a disappointment? I did. I felt the characters changed so much between 35 and 42, and between 42 and 49 it was much of the same. That's not to say it was poorly made--just that 49up was a letdown.

Two other notes:

My dad was Hogsett's lawyer

I saw The Matador and I really liked it. Also recommended VERY highly: The Devil and Daniel Johnston.


In regards to 49 Up I haven't manged to get acces to see it yet, but I have seen the other films starting with 28 Up, so I'm anticipating it. But you've brought down my expectations a bit, but perhaps this is a comment on life in general perhaps once you get in your 40s things become more stable as you have become who you will be and you are less likely to experiment or change, more set in your ways-established in your careeer etc...youth is all about discovering who you are in comparison. I've been trying to geet The Devil and Daniel Johnston as well, but again have gotten access to it yet.

I don't know if you still watch The Simpson , but this week, Season 18 episode 13, is a paradoy of 49 Up and it's pretty funny.

I'm glad you liked The Matador

lou ford

i'm now making it a goal of mine to change a lot between 42 and 49


You mean like how you've changed so much since college;)

lou ford

yeah, i know.

I was slightly depressed yesterday after spending president's day in a bar playing Asteroids. I thought to myself, "i've been doing this kinda thing since i was 21, (and i would have been doing it earlier if they'd let me in taverns) - when am i going to grow up?

do i need to watch all the 7up films, or which one is the best?


Hmmm intersting question. The last one I saw, 42 Up, had footage from all the previous films, but I guess each particular film focuses on what the person is up to at that particular moment in their life. It seemed like people changed the most between 21 and 35, that benig said I started with 28 Up I believe. So I would suggest starting there.

ozzy osmond

1. Having seen 21 Up when it first came out as a freshman in college makes me feel old.
2. The Devil and Daniel Johnston is indeed very good.
3. Lou, that's what expensive therapists are for. Accept spending paid holidays playing Asteroids in bars when you're 64 now and you'll be a lot happier, and richer, then.
4. Another documentary that comes to mind for some reason, though isn't as new, is Paradise Lost.

ozzy osmond

Whoops, I'm not THAT old! It was 28 Up I saw in college, not 21 Up.

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