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November 28, 2006


lou ford

MC, you are my go-to guy for Klosterman words. love it. keep up the good work. did i tell you that Leslie got me an inscribed ("happy 38th birthday") copy of 'killing yourself to live'?


Cool present, did you get Chuck Klosterman IV yet?

lou ford

nope. maybe someday. speaking of presents - if you'll looking for something to give me I hear that Unazukin toys (made by Bandai) are all the rage in Japan. they're cute too. we don't have 'em here yet.


so if i were to put a klosterman book on my x-mas list, which one should it be?

i did see an article in the ny times a few months ago about guitar virtuosity on u-tube. specifically there was a controversy over who had played a particular killer lick. it was widely thought that it was just too good for any human to have played, maybe even eddie van halen. it turns out two korean kids took credit for it, though only one turned out to be the true virtuoso, playing alone in his bedroom.

whoops just read the article, and it looks like this is the story it was about. seems chuck and i read the same stories.


All of his boks are extremely entertaining, but I'd say start with the first: FARGO ROCK CITY.

lou ford

i'd just stop reading books, and watch more u-tube.

Ozzy Osmond

When I bought "V" I was pleased to see he has the fashion sense to have a beard just like mine. Haven't yet read the book, but it's prominently displayed on my coffee table so the rare visitor to my home can see how hip and with-it I am.

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