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December 10, 2005



When I click on that link it starts to send me to the translated site: ( but then I get redirected back to English. Assuming you can access this link correctly, Google is doing some locale detection and redirecting. Or it could be checking the current or default Multilingual User Interface (MUI) and making a decision based on that.

Interesting... I'd like to see the Korean site and we have the Korean language pack for XP loaded here as it's Yuki major at UW. I'll let you know if I figure this out.



Okay, this link works:

If you shorten the link it doesn't redirect. Very cool.



Correction: The links work if you cut and paste the link into your search bar, but not if you click on them directly. I don't work in IE, but my guess is that IE allows redirection if you click on a link, but assumes the user doesn't want to be redirected if they have typed in the full address.

I think if folks want to see the Korean site they may have to cut and paste this link into the search bar.


Thanks for the leg work Arie. Do you know if they can translate it into any language?


I believe so. See: http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en

Its called "google translator".


I should add that Yuki tried this said the Japanese to English Beta sucked "really sucked".

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