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December 14, 2005



Dude, I don't even know where to begin on your rampant generalizations.......so I will ignore them. Thx buddy.


Fair enough, I'll admit to generalizations. but how can you talk about anything without using them. I am mostly referring to the 80s when everyhting was crazy in the market. I don't see the wealth trickling down to the little people. Where are all the profits going? Is that helpful to society? You can lecture me on the world bettering aspects of the financial industry when we meet next week.


I think that the financial industry is helpful in that it essentially mobilises resources (expressed in terms of money), furthering investment and eventually achieving greater production of goods and services with our finite resources. The man who has an idea can turn this into reality only by taking out a loan from a bank, or by selling shares in his company to investors – both financial transactions. The company that wishes to export overseas can minimise risk of exchange rate movements by using various hedging instruments. More production is generally a good thing (environmental concerns are another debate), but financial systems are imperfect, and there are people who operate within the financial industry for no purpose but to speculate on intangible assets, make money from within the system. As far as they care the rest of the manufacturing and service industries might not even exist, except ultimately the financial instruments with which these people speculate only exist because businesses need them too.

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