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August 10, 2005



You know, I always thought it meant embarassed, so this ashamed thing is news to me. I can see how the two feelings might coincide though, but I can also think of many situations where the two words would describe quite different things. Of course, as a stereotypical Englishman I consider myself to be well aquainted with all aspects of embarassment, shame, guilt and regret - so hazukashii will continue to be a very useful part of my Japanese vocabulary.


As an avid watcher of Japanese pornography, I can tell you that in that setting, hazukashii almost always translates to embarrassment.


I guess that makes you an expert on Japanese culture.


Ha! Hazukashii.com - It`s a russian blog)


that was super helpful thx


Does the usage of the word 'hazukashii' has anything to with Japanese culture? Could anyone explain it to me please? I'm working on assessment about Language and Culture..Thanks


Uhhh read the post above...

Arie van der Hoeven

I always reply "machigaichatta" in such situations. "I made a mistake." It leans heavily on the absent professor in me and is sometimes works in Japanese situations where I was once considered an exotic.

Today I was at a Costco in Woodinville, Washington when I somehow lost my receipt between the cashier and the exit. (I blame Costco for selling me a jacket with too many pockets)Misplacing small items including keys, glasses, receipts and cell phones is a common problem for me.

It culminated in two Costco employees converging on me and blocking my exit. I reverted to loud American mode until my receipt finally appeared. They claimed my member agreement allowed the check, I made the time worn claim of contract law that the items were already paid for and therefore my property.

How far I've come. I'm not even sure I'd term Tiger Woods recent predicament as "Hazukashii".


Well, the use within erotica would be rather unique like because you would feel both embarassed and possibly ashamed by the same thing, whereas some forms of embarassment are less shameful.

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