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June 24, 2005



"I think he is spot on how he portrays these people" Would beg to differ! KCH


OK , not spot on, but there "types" that fit this profile, and KCH, you obviously aren't one of those.


What did you think of Rogue Trader?


I liked both the book and the movie, aside from my bad memory regarding the title. It's an interesting story. Ewan MacGregor was good as Nick Leeson in the film as well.


Yes, I haven't seen the movie, but I read the book fairly recently, and as an ex-auditor and compulsive worrier, I found this to be an unusually tense experience... but worth the read. I knew how it ended, but I couldn't help but feel more and more involved, as though perhaps it was me living out this incredible nightmare. I also found it difficult to work out whether I empathised with Nick Leeson or not, despite the fact that I was reading his account of the whole debacle.
In case you didn't know, his wife subsequently divorced him (I found this sad - but it was probably nothing less than he deserved), he got cancer while in jail (and now seems to have recovered), was let out early, met an Irish divorcee with kids and married her, did a degree in Psycology, while supporting his new family as a celebrity after dinnner speaker and celebrity internet poker player, and recently became financial manager of an Irish soccer club. Quite a life...


I read this book back in December and wondering if Hollywood be interested in another "Wall Street" type of movie.

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