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May 03, 2005



I've not heard the libertines, but i think your analogy btwn. Bright Eyes and Foer is pretty right on. I like both albums, though it pained me some to admit it. I do think the Wide Awake, is better than the Digital Ash in a Digital Urn. How pretentiously post-modern or post-post-modern is it to release two completely differently "en-genred" (I just made that word up - how pretentiously post-modern is that?) almbums on the same day?
Plus, I heard him in an interview talking about how he decided to use Emmylou Harris on this album. Dude, your like 16 years old or something, you don't decide whether to "use" Emmylou Harris on your album - she decides if she wants to sing on your album. That annoyed me somehow. All that being said, the guy's pretty good.


The Libertines really rock, I can't say enough about them, I've really been listening to them a lot lately-in fact I just sang "Don't Be Shy" at karaoke the last time I went.

It sounds like that Oberst interview was kind of annoying, he's been getting so much press, and those albums aren't even on a major label are they?


Nope. He has his own label too. You have to hand it to the kid.


hey Pat, would you copy and send me the entire Chuck Klosterman “21st Century Rock” article? I too find him entertaining but cannot access the article without joining something, which I cannot do. thanks dude. Bright Eyes kinda sucks. You should check out Songs: Ohia, or Maquiladora.


I think I can handle that. I'd be curious as to how many of Klosterman's recommendations you have.

Are you a Ryan Adams fan? I've been getting more and more into him since picking up some of his backcatalogue while on vacation. I'm excited to hear his new release with a backing band, The Cardinals.


i'd be curious too.

i don't think i've ever heard Ryan Adams. i've heard Brian Adams though. awesome tunesmith!


Dude-Whiskytown, dated Winnona Ryder, and is now dating Parker Posey...once walked off stage after a fan yelled "Summer of 69." Nuff said.

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