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October 01, 2004


Ozzy Osmond

I actually like UTBOH better than Krakauer's other two best sellers because he doesn't try to relate to the story's main players. In ITW and ITA his attempt to let you know how much he identifies with McCandless in the Alaskan wilderness and those who perished on Everest gets tiring. We read the books to learn about their subjects, not the author. Fortunately, Mormonism is a subject to which Krakauer can't offer any annecdotal fluf, thereby making it a pleasant reading experience. And, for what it's worth, I devoured both ITW and ITA - amazing page turners, despite their flaws.

As a side note of irony, midway through writing the comment above, my _extremely_ Mormon boss walked into my office. He's not of the extremist (read: plogygamist) sort, but his discipline with everything else in the religion is frightening. I'm dying to ask what opinion he may have about Under the Banner of Heaven, but will wait for the day I resign to ask. Heh heh heh.


Ozzy Osmond

plogygamist - uh, make that polygamist.


Apparently making money is seen as a virtue in the Mormon community. My brother says that there are a lot of Mormon accountants and that BYU is well-known for their Accounting department.

I've met a few from the JET Program, they had been here before on missions. Nice people, I was half expecting them to try and convert me, but luckily, it never happened.

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