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August 25, 2004



Sounds like the red light district is no longer safe for school girls to go and sell their panties to middle aged perverts. I hope they get that taken care of. It also sounds like investment banking is going to become alot less fun. What are those idiots going to spend their bonuses on if they can't get heroin and prostitutes?


If you go to the site and see comments posted by readers, they bring up some good points. They are not targetting the root of the cause, the yakuza who bring in dodgy foreigners, recruit underage girls to work in the sex shops, and provide the money to pay off police and government officials. Ishihara is a bit of a xenophobic blowhard, so it's hard to take anything he says without a grain of salt. That being said, the trade will just move elsewhere, there are varying degrees of this going on at nearly every major train station.

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