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April 01, 2004


Ray Lee

I share the same opinion(s) as you do with the Capturing the Friedmans. Overall, I thought it was well done, but it really made my blood boil. I too am looking forward to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I recently gave Human Nature another viewing and really enjoyed it. All of the Kaufman films that you mentioned are renting frequently at the store in anticipation for Eternal Sunshine. Even the Michel Gondry video compilations are popular right now.

Another film that I think you would enjoy is Shattered Glass. I wasn't too excited about the idea of Hayden Christensen playing the lead, but he really impressed me with this performance.

If you haven't already seen it, also check out Enlightenment Guaranteed. I think you'll get a big kick out of that one, Pat.


Hey Ray, sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up while i was in town.

I think we have similar tastes in film, I saw Shattered Glass on the flight to Seattle from Tokyo and really liked it. I had read some stuff about it on Slate.com, and I am a fan of the recently deceased Michael Kelly, who of late was an editor at Atlantic Monthly, I want to get his book Worth Fighting For.

I'll try to track down Enlightenment Guaranteed. I picked up Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 1 while back stateside as well. Oh, I saw Out Of Time (with Denzel Washington), on the way back and liked it, too.


am i the friend who recommended the Friedman's. Good movie - disturbing on several levels. What are shattered glass and enlightenment guaranteed about? i read a review of a book about the iraq war in the NY Times today that sounded good - by the guy who wrote "an army at dawn". i think he won the pulitzer for it. you might like it or like to check out the review. sorry i missed your return pass through seattle. i can't believe you managed to get visaya and gaje to the bada lounge. nicely done. i've heard tell of your trip to Prost! Great place - please send the pictures. Good to see you again as always.


Yeah Pat, you recommended Capturing the Friedmans, a very interesting/disturbing movie. Shattered Glass is about a writer who made up sources for over 20 stoires at The New Republic in the 90s, I don't know anything about the other yet. Keep you eyes open for another post on Seattle night life...good to see you as well.

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