I went to a digital movie festival, Resfest at LaForet in Harajuku yesterday and saw a special selection by Spike Jonz. It wasn't all that impressive, basically some videos and a documnetary. it included a failed Oasis project, the video for "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim had a commentary by Christopher Walken and "Five Stop Mother Superior Rain" by The Flaming Lips, both of which I'd never seen it in it's entirity since I don't have cable, Big Train by Mike Watt, and a documentrary on the guys who danced in Roman Coppola's Fatboy Slim video "Pray," that I almost thought was a parody. Enjoyable but a bit overepriced at about $13, but that's Tokyo. Some of the other showings looked pretty cool, perhaps it would have been cool to get a day pass and see more of the selections.
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bored in transition.
Posted by: katy | September 25, 2004 at 06:51 AM
Whatever, then get a life.
Posted by: MC | September 25, 2004 at 07:02 AM