On Mondays I teach two classes as a part-time English instructor at Aoyama Women's Junior College. It is a part of the Methodist-founded Aoyama Gakuin school system, which also includes a four-year college, senior high school, junior high school, elementary school, and kindergarten. The easiest way to assure you get into the college is to attend the schools from kindergarten, however students from outside the school system get in as well.
It is my favorite for a number of reasons. It is the most prestigious school that I have taught at, the four-year college is probably one of the top 20 if not 10 schools in Japan. As a result, the students tend to be high achievers or from rich families, even at the junior college. This makes them easier to teach. I think girls usually are better students and tend to like English more than their male counterparts. Thus even though my students are non-English majors, (early Childhood Education, Home Ec, Child Psychology, etc?) they are mostly interested and capable of learning.
The campus is located in Tokyo in Omotesando area, which was walking distance from my old apartment and a very hip and convenient location. It is probably the most western-looking campus with faux-European buildings, a tree-line lane, and grassy courtyards.
I teach fourth and fifth periods, which means I don't have to be there until around 2:30 pm, so it is an easy transition into the working week. And the pay is better than average.